by Cassidy Carter on 2025-02-27T16:40:00-05:00 | 0 Comments
Stress during exams can be tough to deal with, so as a friendly reminder, we have destressing tools in the library! We have an art station with coloring books, a sketch pad, and a ton of colored pencils and pens. We also have checkers and chess, books on making origami, and a bring one/leave one Keurig station. Feel free to stop by and use our destress stuff!
Books in the library to help destress:
Yoga for Everyone by Dianne Bondy
ISBN: 1465480773
Accessible Yoga by Jivana Heyman
ISBN: 1611807123
The Art of Papercraft by Helen Hiebert; Michael G. LaFosse (Foreword by)
ISBN: 1635862655
Managing Stress and Anxiety As an Adult by Z. Slator