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APA Guide

7th Edition

Use the examples below  to format a reference from a book. 


General Format

Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Title of book: Use capital letter for the first word for subtitle. Location: Publisher.​


Categories Solutions

A print book with

one author


Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Title of book: Use capital letter for the first word for subtitle. Location: Publisher.


Johnson, P. (2003). Art: A new history. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

A print book with

more than

one author


Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Title of book: Use capital letter for the first word for subtitle. Location: Publisher.


Kamruzzaman, J., Begg, R., & Sarker, R. A. (2006). Artificial neural networks in finance and manufacturing. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Pub.

Electronic Book Format

Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Title of book. Retrieved from URL 


Lenarz, T., & Wriggers, P. (2014). Biomedical Technology. Retrieved from http://www.eblib.com

Volume book Format

Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Title of book (Volume Number). Location: Publisher.


De Certeau, M., Giard, L., Mayol, P., & Tomasik, T. J. (1998). The practice of everyday life: Living and cooking (Vol. 2). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Book chapter from an edited book Format

Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Title of chapter. In Author's First Initial. Middle initial. Last Name (Eds.), Title of book (page number/s). Location: Publisher.


Elkana, Y. (1975). The problem of knowledge. In Weiss, P. A. (Eds.), Knowledge in search of understanding: The Frensham papers (pp.91-104). NY: Futura Publishing Company, Inc..

Dictionary entry or encyclopedia article Format

Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Title of entry. In Editor First Initial. Second Initial. Last Name (Ed.), Title of reference work (Vol. #, pp. #). Location: Publisher.


Musket. (2003). In The new encyclopedia britannica (Vol. 8, pp. 449). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc..

Entire edited book  Format

Editor's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial (Ed.). (Publication Year). Title of book. Location: Publication.


Oates, J. C. (Ed.). (1992). The Oxford book of American short stories. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Translated book Format

Author Last Name, First Initial. (Publication Year). Title of the book. (First Initial, Last name of the translator, Trans.). Location: Publisher. (Provide original work published year if it is available in the parentheses)


Zarraluki, P. (2014). The history of silence. (N. Caistor & L.García, Trans.). Madrid, Spain: Hispabooks.


See page 202-205 of the manual for more information.