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Student Success Center Resources

24/7 Online Resources to help students be successful at OCtech.

Testing Databases


The Learning Express Library has several useful tools for test preparation. Areas include: Accuplacer, High School Equivalency, WorkKeys, and multiple Career Exams. Once you click on the link below you will need to set up an account with your school e-mail.


Mometrix offers access to study guides, flashcards, and practice questions for professional and career exams.

Next-Generation ACCUPLACER

WorkKeys Preparation

Career Ready 101 is a product of ACT to assist with preparation for WorkKeys tests. 

TEAS: Test of Essential Academic Skills


Brainfuse is an online system that is available 24/7 to OCtech students. The system has lessons and practice tests for several Industry Certification Exams, Accuplacer, Adult Learning, and ESL.

You can access Brainfuse directly through D2L.  The link can be found under the resources tab once you enter a class page. If you need assistance please, stop by the Student Success Center.