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                                             Mometrix Academy (Free Practice Tests & Tutorials)

                               OCTC Students now have access to Mometrix Test Preparation Resources

Welcome To The Library

Watch the video below to learn what resources and services the OCtech library provides.

To access academic databases, you will need the same username and password you use for D2L.

Please call the Library if you have difficulties accessing resources at 803-535-1262 or chat with us via our Ask a Librarian feature.

Library card:   Your student ID is your library card.  It is required to check out books or to use materials on Reserve, as well as to print.

Circulation policies (updated 10/2/2019): 

  • Circulating collection: Students my borrow an UNLIMITED amount of books during their time here. As long as materials are returned undamaged, there will be no fines (unless the item has been requested by another patron, in which case we want to make materials equally available to all and must request that item be returned within stated borrowing period). If any items have not been returned and you are no longer a student (regardless of if this is because of transfer, graduation, or other circumstances), you will still be spared fees as long as item is returned in good condition. However, failure to return items will result in a hold on all transcript/OCtech records, and you will not receive your diploma or transcript until you have resolved the issue, either by paying the cost of borrowed missing item, or returning the undamaged item. 
  • Reference collection: Does not circulate; books may be used in-house only. This consists mainly of materials instructors have put on hold, and commonly used items such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders from the American Psychiatric Association.
  • Journals, newspapers: Do not circulate; may be used in-house only.
  • Audio-visuals: Popular DVDs circulate for one week. Students may borrow up to 5 DVDs at one time. Late fees will be forgiven, provided item is returned in good condition, and there have been no outstanding requests from other students to borrow the item(s). 
  • Laptops: Two week checkout; one two-week renewal.   $25/day overdue fine.  Student must sign loan agreement and is financially responsible for cost of laptop if lost, stolen or damaged.

Fines:     $.10/day per item~ As long as item is returned in good condition, fines will be reduced, and as long as the item has not been requested by another patron, will be forgiven. 

Copier:   $.10/page (if you print on both sides of one page, it will still count as two pages and cost $.20)

Printing from a PC: Requires money on your student ID (this is separate from your refund/financial aid).  You can add small amounts of cash (no bills larger than a ten) in the library, or you can use a credit/debit card and add however much you desire in the bookstore.

For more information, see the library's  policy manual below.

Library Policies (old copy- currently we are working to update this and a new policy book will soon be posted)